Monday, January 7, 2008

In the name of the father, son, and holy steve irwin.

I took a trip to the famous Australia zoo over the holiday. Sure, all of the animals were very interesting, but I was more impressed with the INSANE amount of Steve shrines. They should just go ahead have Steve replace the Queen on the dollar coin.

My favorite part of the shrine was a child's depiction of Steve's chest hair (crickey!):

And then of course there is gift shop just full of steves. coffee mugs, creepy talking dolls, and of course a $1000 Steve Irwin surf board. I mean, who wouldn't want to get on top of Steve Irwin and go for a ride??

But seriously, the zoo was great! And in case any of you are wondering, they did not sell any kangaroo scrotum or jerky products. Animal pictures coming soon.


Dusty said...

I want a mug!

melissamarie said...

i know. it was so hard not to buy any. And I KNEW you would want one! I almost got you one!

Moshdude said...

Thanks for the Christmas gift. I'm so glad it was something other than Kangaroo testicles.

We miss you.

CarolK said...

I want a mug too...LOVE IT!