Wednesday, November 21, 2007

More FAQs

1. How much is gasoline?

Gasoline here is cheap and regulated by the government. And they dont call it gas - it's petrol. The signs say
$123.9. i am not sure what unit that is. I dont drive. But sometimes I buy bread at the gas station. It's 3.29 / loaf.

1a. What are the names of the most common oil/gas companies there?

BP and Shell are the only stations I have seen.

2. Is everything in metric units or do they still use the Imperial units as well and equally. I was very surprised to learn - just last summer - that the Imperial units are still common in England. They use both in Britain.

Everything is pretty much in metric units. Pommy bastards dont know what they're doing. (that's aussie slang for british people. possibly offensive. And they call Americans "Seppos", which comes from septic tank. )

3. What is the weather like now? Spring time, I know, but what is springtime in Australia like?

well now it is almost summer. During the day it is about 29 C, which is maybe 85 F. At night, it is really nice - i can open the windows and be comfortable. People keep saying it will be REALLY hot in Jan - Feb but i just don't believe them yet.

3a. Trees. What trees are there?

Well, I know nothing about trees. I do know that they're green here. similar to Texas trees, but haven't seen any pecan trees, or magnolias. (I think those are the only trees I know.) There are palm trees here.

4. How big a star are the "Hollywood Aussies & Kiwis" there? Mel Gibson, Nicole Kidman, Sam Neil, Melanie Linsky, Lucy Lawless, etc. Is there any real national pride in these actors or are Brad Pitt and Pamela Anderson bigger stars?

The tabloids here are just like the US. same fascination with the same crappy people. But with an added dose of the spice girls. gag.

5. What is (are) the common car(s) there?

Honda, Toyota, Ford, Kia. i recognize every type of car except for Holden, which is a big one here. But the best part about cars down here, is that people drive an updated version of EL CAMINOS!!! hilarious.

6. Burger Kings? McDonalds? What-a-burgers? What other American embarrassments are there?

Burger King is Hungry Jacks. McDonalds is the only other fast food place i have seen. The biggest American embarrassment here is really crappy TV shows. like Singing Bee, and Ghost Whisperer, and American news.

7. What do they call a quarter pounder? A Royale with Cheese?

hmmmm...maybe they do use imperial units...

8. Where - what part of Australia - would you find a Koala and/ or a Platypus? And Rheas?

there are koalas in my area out in the wild. I bet you could find a platypus at the zoo. Rheas? beats the hell outta me

9. Levis?


10. Australia, like America, was made up of immigrants beating the hell out of the natives. Who are the largest immigrants now?

Asians, thank god. I don't know what I would be eating if they weren't here!

11. Are there penguins on the southern most tip of Australia?

ill get back to you on that one. I do know that the best wine and beer comes from southern Australia.

12. Are the Great White Sharks more common in the north, by the Great Barrier Reef - or in the south - where the water is colder and there are seals to feed on?

People say you should be more worried about Sharks near the reef.

13. What is the most common breed of dog you see living in the town?

I hardly see dogs at all. :( But the refrigerated dog food section is way bigger than the vegetarian section.

14. Music. What is the most popular band there? Or solo act or whatever? Home grown or imported? What about a band like RUSH who hasn't toured there in years?

music is a lot like the US. less rap. more house. pop music ---um, I guess Silverchair is big now. They're Australian. And of course Kylie. Some chick named Delta... Don't know about any older bands.

15. Is there anything from here that you would like us to send you to keep you supplied? Toilet paper? How about some Blue Bonnet seeds? No? OK... anything else? Salsa? Doritos?

morningstar tofu products, wheat thins, triscuits, Chi hair products, corn tortillas, real salsa, st arnolds christmas ale, and a DVD player because I can't watch any of my DVDs here on the TV.


Charis.xX said...

Lucy Lawless has incredible New Zealand pride! She only lives in the United States for her work. She says all the time that New Zealand will always be her home, whether she lives there or not. Just wanted to say that. xX

mike said...

These FAQs are great! They just wobble my mind. Where do you get these great questions?

mike said...

just a couple of base touching things.
If things are in metric units overall, then gas(petrol)is probably sold in litres. So, doing some conversions and calculations,
AU$1.239/ltr = US$4.91/gal which is not bad for a non-US country.True, it would be enough to cause a revolution here but it is much better than most of Europe. When I was in London about 4 years ago(5 years ago?)I did the conversions and found petrol at about US$6.00/gal ... and that was before the US dollar was as incredibly weak as it is now.

I said "where would you find rheas" but I mean Emus. Sorry - wrong continent.

FYI, for your quick and easy metric conversions (assuming that you have internet access with you at all times) here is a website out of Britain that has help me a lot over the last few years.