Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thirty Things in Thirty Days

Today is October 30, 2007. And I have officially been here for a month...i think. these time changes blow my mind. Anyways, In honor, ah-hem I mean honour of my one month anniversary, I'd like to share some things I've learned over the days. In no particular order...

  1. Brisbane is a beautiful city!
  2. washing something that is "dry clean only" in the sink can lead to black ink all over your bathroom.
  3. don't forget your canvas 'go green' bag at the grocery - the plastic bags are bound to break. then the seven dollar lavender candle you bought is going to shatter all over the ground by the bus stop. screw it. you didn't have matches anyways.
  4. day light savings time - under appreciated.
  5. australian ice cream - way better for some reason. (suck it, bluebell!).
  6. if you are constantly downloading torrents for "flight of the conchords" on "free" internet, the internet will eventually "disappear". but shhhh....the roommates will never know it was you who screwed up the "free" internet.
  7. "fight of the Conchords" is a lot funnier if youve lived in Australia.
  8. Don't be too nice to the old drunk guy at the pool, because he will ALWAYS be there, ALWAYS remember your name, ALWAYS try to sit next to you, ALWAYS try to hang out with you, etc, etc.
  9. people dont necessarily have tea at "morning tea" and "afternoon tea".
  10. harris county toll authority can find you anywhere!
  11. aussie-isms - easy to pick up!
  12. no worries!
  13. television game shows (eg "who wants to be a millionaire") are impossible if youre foreign.
  14. driving is overrated!
  15. when in doubt, add a "U" between the "O" and the "R".
  16. British English is possibly the hardest English to understand. hmmm that's weird. wasn't that the first English?
  17. "cheers" = "thanks"
  18. mexican food - under appreciated!
  19. mexicans - under appreciated!
  20. dont eat toast with honey while typing on your laptop.
  21. don't buy the expensive cell phone because you will lose it in less than a month.
  22. don't fret - the bus will get here. eventually.
  23. it's a lot harder than you think to list thirty things you have learned.
  24. customs allows ticking metronomes, but nothing with grains of wheat on it.
  25. $35 pedicures - under appreciated
  26. stay left!
  27. no one really cares about the classic aussie film "young Einstein".
  28. there is only one scent of febreeze in Australia - "original" and it doesnt smell that good. or original
  29. those aren't birds - they're BATS!
  30. Australia has a big market for "refrigerated dog and cat food".


mike said...

1. Let's see some pictures of the City of Brisbane.
2. Speaking on behalf of "old guys" everywhere - drunk or not - if you don't want us sitting next to you, talking to you, etc. at the pool, don't wear your Wicked Weasel to the pool!
3. Let's see some pictures of you in your Wicked Weasel at the pool.
4. Regarding British English being the "first" English; my dear old sainted music history teacher said something about Peter von Winter vs. Beethoven that applies here: "It's not who does it first. It's who does it best."
5. I hadn't thought about "Young Einsteain" in YEARS! It was so nice not thinking about it all those years.
6. "about" ... adding a u after the o ... hmmm ... seems to work pretty good. Thanks for the tip.
7. How you coming along with that Boomarang joke? Any funnier now?


Meyer said...

Here is what I have learned in the past 30 days...

"Work sucks, college is better"

Meyer said...

Where are all the posts? I need something to read at work!

Moshdude said...

Melissa, I'm sorry it has taken so long to register, but I figure better late than never. I've totally enjoyed this thing. It's almost like you never left. Except I do miss the drunk calls when I'm at work or in the library that go "Stop being a fag, and come out and drink." No truer words have been spoken. G'day, and I will be creeping...err...reading.