Monday, October 1, 2007

first days

So my adventure in Australia is finally underway. After about 24 hours of traveling with way too much luggage and horrible airline food (including a breakfast with a “lil sausage” and hot tomato), I drop my bags off at my brand new apartment, shower, and head downtown looking for essentials – cellphone and hair dryer. I travel on foot, expecting to get lost – as a first initiative to get to know Brisbane. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to the city, and I only almost got hit by a car three times (keep left)! I eventually learn to actually pay attention to the pedestrian lights. There is no excuse not to really. You don’t even have to look at them – they're equipped with crazy space invader type noises when its time to cross. I have yet to actually see a blind person...

I finally arrive downtown at the mall – which is mostly outdoors. The city demographics- all white and asian. (sounds like sugar land – I’m sure ill be right at home in no time at all!) The weather is perfect outside – not a cloud in the sky, probably about 85 degrees (what is that in Celsius anyways?)… And it is packed outside! People are everywhere.

The people here are gorgeous. And when theyre not gorgeous, theyre dressed completely wacky. Like florescent-green-knee-high-socks-and-boots kind of wacky. As I continue to lose track of where I am, I notice these wacky looking people are seemingly rising in population. First, I stopped at a convenience store, and saw a grown man buy 8 lollipops. I was guessing it was just a random druggie sighting, but as I was leaving, a squinty eyed guy was coming into the store, and tripped and fell on his face. As if this wasn’t hilarious enough, he was in a group of people wearing entirely nothing but florescent clothing. I’m talking hot pink sweat bands, green muscle tees – the works. I figure another random druggie sighting. But as I continue, these people are starting to rule the streets. Everyone is wearing florescent clothing… Theyre all yelling things, and buses drive by and those people yell at the people on the streets – again all wearing florescent clothing. Before I know it, people shout at me, “park life!!! Parklife's that a-ways!!!!” I just smile and shrug the best I can carrying my giant shopping bags. Besides, whatever parklife is, I sure as hell cant go there without wearing florescent clothing. I continue to walk around, trying to gage by the sun which direction my apartment was in. (yes, I was that lost). But I finally find my way home and learn along the way that parklife is a huge concert – and people wear florescent clothing because “the 80s looks is back in style”…to which I replied “ wow they're really taking that look to heart”. My new normal friend friends agreed.

Sunday, was not quite as exciting, but interesting none the less. I walk down the street around 9am to get the other essentials – shampoo, milk, and bread. As I pass by the pool, I hear loud thumping house music. The hot tub is completely full of people at 9am partying on a Sunday! I guess they don’t go to church here. Wow – this is my kind of town. The Sunday pool party continued all day. ALL DAY!!!

Could this be the “team awesome” of australia?? Unfortunately I was too busy unpacking and too tired to get myself socialized, but I am sure next weekend will yield the same results. hopefully with less jet lag, and more beer.


Dusty said...

I'm glad you won't have to deal with illegal immigration! But if America is swarmed and we immigrate to Australia, would we become the Mexicans of Australia??

melissamarie said...

i hope so. i am really missing mexican food!!