Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Texas in Australia

I'm obsessed with google maps and the new "street view". I've looked up all my friends, all of my former houses, and looked all over random places. Google Earth is actually a great civil engineering tool as well - so it's a great way to waste time at work and make it look as though you're actually working. As it looks like i'm diligently slaving away at my desk, i'm actually hoping to get a glimpse of some random life in the streets -ie. a homeless man taking a dump, maybe some road head, someone getting pulled over and arrested, a streaker --- anything. Although I have only witnessed two out of four of these things in the street, i am sure the google street team witnessed many great and embarrassing moments... I have yet to happen upon any streakers or other nude or embarrassing moments... but have happened upon a town called Texas, New South Wales. Unfortunately the google street team hasnt made it this far yet, so i can't get a good look. But there is one photo associated with the town. Seems like Texas.

UPDATE : maybe someday i can add to this list. http://mashable.com/2007/05/31/top-15-google-street-view-sightings/

Melbourne / It's about that time again...

Well folks, it's about that time again. Now that I have a little free time, and the olympics / parolymics are finally over (did you hear about this ???), I figured I was due to post some pictures from my Melbourne trip, which happened ages ago. We had yet another day off for the Queens Birthday in July. (America should have never declared independence - we're missing out on extra commonwealth holidays) So I headed solo to Melbourne. I loved this city. First stop was old goal jail. Where they have hung 135 people. and weird "death masks" were on display.

And one of my favourite parts of melbourne (and also a sign i'm getting old) was the Botanical Gardens. I absolutely LOVED it. And there wasnt even a bar there.

And the most hideously awesome work of architecture - federation square.

With St Pauls cathedral right across the street: